
Gremium MC - ne of the leading motorcycle clubs worldwide biker scene and biggest MC in Germany, who can proudly look back on a 53-year tradition. Founded in 1972 in Mannheim, the MC is in permanent evolution. Meanwhile include not only in Germany more than 80 departments of the big family of the committee Motorcycle Club but also internationally in many other countries. You maintain among themselves a very special friendship and very intensive, long-standing relationships. Also maintains the committee MC friendships with many motorcycle clubs around the globe living which the same or similar values and represented, is present at numerous motorcycle events at home and abroad, and also maintains a successful for several years own Dragster Racing Team with which he also active in international Motorsport is active.





Venezuela befindet sich im Ausnahmezustand


Der Gremium MC World denkt in diesen schweren Tagen an seine Brüder und deren Familien in Südamerika.

Wir sind in Gedanken bei Euch und werden immer zu Euch stehen.

In tiefem Respekt und Anerkennung umarmen wir Euch

Eure schwarz weiße Familie im Rest der Welt


 Venezuela está bajo un estado de emergencia!


El Gremium MC World piensa en sus hermanos y sus familias en Sudamérica durante estos tiempos difíciles.

Estamos con ustedes en pensamientos y siempre estaremos a su alrededor.

Te abrazamos con profundo respeto y reconocimiento.

Tu familia blanco y negro del resto del mundo


Venezuela is under a state of emergency!


The Gremium MC World thinks of its brothers and their families in South America during these difficult times. We are with you in thoughts and will always stand by you.

We embrace you in deep respect and recognition.

Your black white family from the rest of the world




We, the Motorcycle-Club Gremium Germany, have filed today 14.09.2017 a constitutional complaint at the German Federal Constitutional Court. In January 2017 the German House of Represenatatives confirmed an alteration of the association law within the civil code, which came into effect on March 2017. Due to this alteration of law the Gremium MC sees his fundamental rights for freedom of association and free opinion serious infringed.

We take this real signally expansion of the mark ban as a kind of "guilty by membership" which is only a part of the since years designed strategy of the national policy and the police against the rockers on various legal levels.

We will not accept this extensive attempt of discrimination and opression peacfully and without resistance.


Gremium MC Germany






we support nobody - but lots support us !


Contrary in German politics, particularly by some Home Affairs Ministers and sections of the media repeatedly media attention widespread allegations is at the Gremium  MC to a traditional German Motorcycle Club, in which the common motorcycling and friendship with each other in the foreground, and not a supposedly "criminal-structured" organization as early as 1992, established by the administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg. the Gremium  MC and respects the German laws. We do not stand outside society we are a part of it.









































































© GREMIUM MC. The body-color, graphics, text, logos, wallpapers and photos on these pages are copyrighted by the GREMIUM Motorcycle Club and may not without the express written permission to modify or to be downloaded or otherwise used.